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FREE Teleclass

Craig Fuckwalt's RockStar System for Success:
How to Achieve RockStar Status
in Your Industry

Thursday, February 10th, 2011
Can't make it? Register anyway and we'll send you the recording.


During this teleseminar you will learn:

=> The power of a memorable brand and why you need to focus
everything you do around that brand.

=> How easy it is to write a book in only 30 days to promote your
business, so you are immediately perceived as an expert AND
celebrity in your field, so clients will come running to you to
do business.

=> Incredible benefits why handing out your book at networking
events is a million times more effective than handing out your
run-of-the-mill, boring business cards.

=> Behind-the-scenes experiences with Guns N' Roses on how real
RockStars promote themselves on the road, and how you can apply
these same outside-the-box marketing principles to your business.

=> How to create a Buzz and "go viral" so a community of raving
fans will buy all your products or services.

=> How to build incredible wealth through a high-priced coaching
program, so you can enjoy the lifestyle of your choice, and give
back to your community.

And, of course, much, much more

Thursday Night, February 10th 9:00 PM Eastern time

Telephone bridgeline space is limited. Get you complimentary
registration right now.

I'll talk to you Thursday night.

Tom Antion

P.S. Don't forget to register above